Monday, February 8, 2010

Time to stress!

Yep, it's officially time to stress. Distance ed is starting really soon. So is maths tutoring. And my mum and I are in the middle of filling out the distance education enrolment forms. Just got to figure out how to phrase my reasons for choosing distance ed. Obviously disability, but I need to convey the severity.

I've got my textbooks, folders, exercise books and necessary stationery. It's all labelled, too! (I must remember to buy spare batteries for my calculator...) Also arranged tutoring for the soonest date I could - 21/02; this Sunday is Chinese New Year, so the following one is best for my tutor. It's at 11am, but thankfully at home, not at the uni. I'd die if I had to get up at 10am, eat, dress, pack my books/meds/money AND get to the uni! So I guess I can get up at around 10.30, have something that won't induce severe nausea, but will keep me going for 2.5hrs, and get dressed. I hope it won't be hot, though. The uni has better a/c than my house.

I really miss school. Getting up a few days a week, putting on my uniform, and seeing kids. I know I'm too sick for it, but I still feel envious and upset when I see kids (even my brother) coming home from school, or leaving in the mornings.... I'm back to doing a bit of weight-bearing exercise, because I'll need stronger arms to carry my bag to school next year, and my books/laptop to classes. I'm thinking about seeing a personal trainer again, to get out of the house, have some structure, and hopefully improve my level of tolerance for activity and exercise related pain.

It's summery weather again, there were two days where it was less than 25*c, but now it's going to be 31*c+ for most of the week. Today is 35*c, I think. My sleep is totally screwed. I slept from 2am-5am, then got 20mins rest/sleep between 6am and 7.30am. I stayed up until nearly 10am, and had breakfast, then went back to bed, and managed to sleep again. 11am-1pm. If someone could just treat my sleep, they'd be treating my pain, nausea, and so many of my other symptoms. Right now I'm not coping with this amount of sleep. I can barely listen to music anymore, I can't go on Facebook chat, and watching DVDs is about all I can do. Interrupted sleep is killing me. I'd rather 4hrs' straight sleep a night than 8hrs' waking every 15mins.

I hope I meet new friends next year, and I really hope I can get out of the house enough this year. I've never liked shopping, but even buying CDs, or looking at sales is infinitely better than being house-bound. I guess it's back to watching Skins now. I'm in the middle of series 3. =)


  1. hi! wishing you the best studying!
    just wanted to know have you seen dr lewis in melbourne?
    also do you have na email address i can email you at?
    fellow ME sufferer!

    I can discuss with you all the doctors, homeopaths/naturopaths, hospitalisations, meds, vitamins, etc. that I've tried.

    And yay! another ME/CFS sufferer.

    Do you have Twitter? I'm @thecabbagestalk

  3. Oh I'm excited for you to start studying - I'd be excited! Yay! & definitely know how you feel, I still maintain that going to work HAS to be better than sitting here all day.
